Press Release

December 11, 2023

If there is one statement that businesses across the globe today wouldn’t hesitate to collectively acquiesce upon, it is that “data is king.” Indeed, in a rapidly digitized world, unearthing data appears to be a key element in achieving success across the operational realms of any given business. But bring this topic up with Noor Alnahhas, co-founder and CEO of the UAE-based enterprise artificial intelligence (AI) platform nybl, and he will be quick to remind you that acquiring data is not the be-all and end-all in modern-day business.

“A few years ago, everybody was talking about how data is the new oil, data is the new gold, data is the new currency,” Alnahhas recalls. “By that time, I’d spent years delivering systems or building systems that deliver data, only to tell somebody that something bad has happened. I thought it was absolutely insane that people were willing to spend millions of dollars only to know that something has failed. The thesis I thus had was that it’s not data alone that holds the true value- it is in the actionable insights that you can derive from it. And so, nybl’s business inspiration is in the utilization of the vast amounts of data that companies have built over the years to generate actionable intelligence. And that’s what we say, nybl transforms data into intelligence, one ‘nybl’ at a time.”

nybl was founded in 2019 by Alnahhas and six other co-founders, namely, Sufyaan Abdul Haseeb, Mohammed Shono, Hafsa Yazdni, Shriprakash Pandey, Michael LeTan, and Waleed Refaat. In its bid to convert data into intelligence, the company offers services that are demarcated into three salient areas: AI applications as a service, a codeless machine learning (ML) tool, and an enterprise AI orchestrator.


The first of these -the AI applications as a service branch- offers pre-configured AI solutions that are customized for very specific types of operations, and can be immediately deployed. “For example, our remote well management software,, is for optimizing operations in oil wells within the oil and gas industries,” Alnahhas explains. “Another one of our products is, a virtual flow meter that works for the metering of any fluid -liquid, gas, or multi-phase- that can work in diverse sectors like oil and gas utilities, manufacturing, petrochemicals, and medicine. A predictive AI tool we offer is, which can be used for enhancing any rotating equipment such as pumps, turbines, generators, etc. The unique value proposition of these products is that they can be deployed, connected to data, and start running AI in real time. Companies don’t have to spend months in training, since we’ve already done all of that work ourselves.”


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